This photo (via pinterest) was the original inspiration for my project:
I initially scouted out the dollar store, and left with several packages of plastic eggs. I assumed I had enough (I had 3 different styles, 2 packages of each style, 8 eggs per pack 8x6 = 48eggs, total cost: 6.00). I took a few days to ponder how to get the eggs into a wreath shape, cut out a cardboard circle, didn't like it and finally gave up and decided to buy a proper wreath form at Michaels. I picked up a plain MDF wreath ring and another package of eggs, this one with another 24, slightly smaller eggs (surely 72 eggs would be enough, right??) and a pre-formed bow due to my lack of bow-making skills. My total cost at Michaels ran me about 15.00 with tax. Gosh, this 'dollar store' wreath is starting to get expensive....
Content with my supplies, I started my wreath. I began by beginning the inner circle as it appeared the eggs were all lined up straight which would make the outside edge easier to follow. Once in place, I did the same to the outer circle, until I ran into a small problem. I ended up running short of dollar store eggs! Annoyed, I decided to check and make sure I would have enough of the smaller eggs to cover the top, and alas, I didn't have enough of those either!
After a second trip to both Michaels and the dollar store, I ended up getting 3 more packs of eggs, (12 in the Michaels pack and 2x8 in the dollar store packs) for a total of 28 more eggs and an additional cost of 4.50. This brought the total cost of the wreath up to a grand total of approximately 25.00 and I was up to my eyeballs in plastic eggs!
I'm happy with the finished product, but feel slightly mislead. Who knew it would take so many eggs? A note to self for next time to price it out before I find myself halfway through finishing and running out of supplies.
Happy Pinning!